Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mi Piace Cioccolato!!

Three of my roommates and I hopped on a train at 5:45 Friday morning and took off for a chocolate festival in Perugia. Our hostel was a 20 minute train ride from the city of Perugia in small town named Torricella which is on Lake Trasimeno. We had read some raving reviews about the place, but writing did not give justice to the absolutely amazing hostel. After a long day of walking the hilly landscape of Perugia and eating a ton of free chocolate we were pleased to be accommodated with a free ride from the train station to the hostel. Upon arrival we were offered a free dinner in the common room where a huge table was set and about 20 guests were gathered around meeting and eating. The next morning we got free cappuccinos and a delicious breakfast. Saturday after walking by the lake, we headed back to Perugia for MORE chocolate!


The mini metro into Perugia.. Kind of reminded me of a chipotle burrito on tracks..

Everybody loves a little chocolate.

They even had artificial chocolate for dogs...

Chocolate demonstration. We got to eat what they made!

Julia, Maricruz, Desiree

Our lovely hostel!!

My favorite place in Italy so far...

We got back to Rome Saturday night, then decided we were going to go to the Vatican museum early Sunday morning, because it was the only day of the month there was free entrance. When we got there, there were TONS of people and we thought it was because it was free to get in, so we went through security and then followed a huge mob of people into St Peters. Before you knew it we were getting herded into seats and the entire church was filled with people. I heard a security guy say, "Everyone make sure you have your red tickets!" Red tickets? For what? We sat down and then realized mass was about to begin. This was not part of the plan, but even better. We got brochures and found out that this mass was dedicated to praying for the continent of Africa and mass was going to be given by the POPE! The mass was given in about 10 different languages and all of the music was with an African choir and African instruments. IT WAS AMAZING!!!! After mass we were leaving and found out there were thousands of people seated outside the church as well. Talk about being in the right place at the right time!

1 comment:

  1. You are an unbelievably lucky chica! How cool was that seeing a mass given by the pope himself!
    Even Uncle Howie didn't have that luck! I hope you said a special prayer for your Aunt Heidi :)!
    Keep the posts coming so we all can live vicariously through you!

    XOXOXOXO Aunt Heidi
